Mom's Diner

July 8, 2012


Filed under: food, homemade, sandwiches, tomato — Tags: , , — momsdiner61 @ 1:29 pm


This is it – summer perfection at its peak! For weeks now, we have nurtured the tomato plants, just waiting for the first few fruits to appear. We watched as this tomato grew into a large ball and turned from green to an orangey-red. We picked it just before it was completely red and let it finish ripening in the window in order to keep the deer and other wildlife from enjoying this prize. We did all this and endured a summer storm, 5 days with no power, and record-breaking temperatures. But, today, we finally enjoyed the “fruits of our labors,” placing delicious slices of red garden- grown tomato on soft slices of white bread, layered on mayonnaise and a sharp cheddar American cheese slice -the first tomato sandwich of the season! It needs nothing else, no further description – the tomato sandwich is perfection, and we hope to enjoy many more before the first frost comes this fall.





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